الأسئلة الشائعة
Changed your mind? You have up to 14 days from receiving your order to return part or all of it to us.
Note: If you're returning an item due to size or color preferences, the return shipping costs will be your responsibility.
Simply contact us via email.
Let us know your order number (don’t forget the #) and your e-mail-address.
Give information about the items and the reason for your return. Confirm your personal information.
Please note that this is NOT a prepaid label and that the return costs have to be paid by you.
Bring your package to the post office or return provider of your choice.
Remember to ask for a return postage receipt and a tracking number and hold on to them until your return has been processed, in case your return gets lost on its way back to us.
We strive to handle returns promptly! On average, returns are processed within 7 to 14 business days. Once your return package is processed, you will receive a confirmation email regarding your refund (if applicable).